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Ace Your Board Exams with Confidence

Study efficiently and become exam ready with our 4 month comprehensive step-by-step study program

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4.9/5 star reviews

Here's what you get:

  • Over 50 videos going through each topic

  • Downloadable course manual

  • Practice questions to make sure you're ready

  • Access to our private community for additional support

  • Virtual mentors in Ben and Trayce

Today Just

$299 one time


"Best purchase ever!"

"Made studying for boards a breeze! Best board review manual I've ever seen with everything you'd need. The added help from the Facebook group is also a huge plus!"


Satisfaction Guarantee

By some crazy occurrence, if you do not pass on your first try you will get the course again for FREE! With all of our material, we are confident you WILL love it!


Frequently Asked Questions

How long will I have access to the course?

You will have access to the course for 4 months. Our step-by-step study program helps to keep you on track and ward off procrastination.

What makes this course different from other board review material?

Study whenever and wherever you want, on your computer or phone. With over 50 videos and a downloadable course manual, you'll have everything you need. Plus, our Facebook community allows Ben and Trayce to be your virtual mentors every step of the way!

Will I get instant access to the course?

YES! Start preparing for boards today!

Is this really worth the money?

YES! Considering that it costs over $700 to take part 1, let's make sure you pass the first time so you don't have to pay that fee again!

Is this course up to date with the latest NBCE exam changes?

YES! NBCE recently made changes to the exams, and we have all the new material in our course. We will walk you through what you should expect on test day.

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